
The hymns on this site are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. You are free to:

Under the following terms:

If you just want to make copies of the hymns, simply download or print them from this web site and you'll be all set. If you want to adapt the music, read on.

Adapting the Music

Before you adapt the music, make sure you read and understand the full legal terms of the Creative Commons license:

Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution International License (full legal terms)

Remember, anything you create belongs to you, so you need to decide what kind of license you will grant for your adaptation. The Creative Commons licence terms above apply to the hymns as you received them from us. We like the Creative Commons license because it ensures that the hymns will always be legally available to everyone, and we would encourage you to release your adaptions under the same terms. But, that is not required. You may have a different set of terms for your adaptation, as long as you preserve our original license.

We recommend you start your adaptation by importing the MusicXML or Muse Score versions of the hymns from this web site. These files already contain all the necessary attributions and copyright notices you must include.

Crediting the Lyricist

We recommend you use one of the two patterns below, based on whether the new work is a slight alteration of the original, or is a substantially new work based on the themes of the original.

Crediting the Composer and Arranger

We recommend you use one of the three patterns below, based on whether the new work is an arrangement of a part of the hymn, the whole hymn, or is a substantially new work based on the themes of the original.

Copyright Notices

Always reproduce the original copyright notice, then add the copyright notice for your additions. You must read the full Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License to make sure you are in compliance! (For example, you must include the URL to the license in the copyright notice, among other requirements.)

Copyright Agent Contact Information

New Hymns for Worship
Attn: Copyright Agent
10241 Stratford Ave.
Fairfax, VA 22030
